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When you wipe your ass and you get shit on your hand.

Dude, gross, it looks like you high-fived-a-monkey in the bathroom.

by HIVaherpagonorrhebolaids October 15, 2015

High Five Partners

Two people in a relationship.

Chris and Jordan are High Five Partners

by A formless blob July 19, 2019

West Virginia high five

West Virginia High five”: the act of slapping your sibling on the buttocks with your hand. Different from a “pat” on the rear; resembles a cowboy slapping a horse on the rear as he sends it out to pasture.

Tommy was in the habit of giving and receiving West Virginia high fives with his sister Rebecca.

by Jus in case November 17, 2023

high five to the face

The act of a woman launching herself fully nude onto the face of a gentleman caller.

Eating of the vagina after being landed on.

Hey babe, I'm feeling frisky. Can I have a high five to the face?

by JRizzle2016 February 5, 2020

high five

the act of giving somebody gonorrhea, aka the clap

guy 1: "yo last night i gave becky a high five"
guy 2: "thats disgusting get that treated"

by l0bstersarep30ple2 November 7, 2020

High Five

So Basically its when two people go in front of eachother raise their hands up and... NAH FUCK THIS SHIT...WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING UP HIGH FIVE, READ. A. FUCKING. BOOK.

:/ High five

by Playpossum July 16, 2020

High Five

The signal for the delivery of a stork to deliver a baby to the girl you were just with.

I high fived her and now she is pregnant.

by Sith_legend04132 April 19, 2016