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Noun - when your husband gets all the snacks

Noun - president (Edgar J Hoover)

Noun - roomba - the name our daughter gave the roomba

Larry stop being a Hoover and eating all the snacks.

The board meeting president really was a regular Hoover creating that logjam about whether or not to allow the Beaver population to dam up the river.

Hoover is stuck under the couch

by RuthBaderGinBucketsBurg October 12, 2018


A particular form of hypocrisy and double standards. Said about people who claim and expect certain rights for themselves, while publicly denying the very same right to others.

That hoover politician who's pro-life and rails about family values, but paid for an abortion for his mistress.


How hoover do you have to be to complain about others illegally parking in handicap spaces, but then do the same.

by urbanpeasent April 30, 2022


A stupid and oblivious person.

Bro you’re such a Hoover

by 7Hours April 29, 2020


Slang term for a penis.

"I accidentally zipped my hoover up!"

by Derbyshire Linguist September 27, 2022



Yee hoover

by Hoover kid 123 I guess August 17, 2022


To beg for another's salad at the local mall's food court in order to guzzle it down free of charge.

Nah I'll take it, I'll just hoover it down.

by CouchPotato2019 March 5, 2021


Noun \ˈhü-vər\

A blockage in the rectum which causes general discomfort and sometimes constipation. The blockage is composed of hardened semen and in extreme cases a semen and excrement compound.

I gave you a hoover too so you’ll be more sympathetic when your mother sends you out for Ex-Lax later.

by Leopold Cheeks September 8, 2012