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hyper communism

A really cool discord user that participates in lego game exploiting

Look its hyper communism
oh that gay cunt?

by Hyper Communism January 14, 2018

hyper irony

Hyper irony is a term coined by the artist and youtuber jrEg. It is defined as the return to sincerity from irony. This means, that there are two layers of irony present. The technique is used frquently on the internet in the form of memes.

The movie, The Raven and the Seagull, portrays the post-colonial relationship between Greenland and Denmark through the over use of stereotypical Greenlandic garments and stereotypes. It sincerely conveys its message through hyper irony - it returns from irony to sincerity.

by LessDestiny April 19, 2022


When a person obsesses about one celebrity per week so much so that he/she believes that he or she is actually similar to that celebrity

For example: Watching interviews and concerts from past-century/decade of Illayaraja non-stop for hours leading to singing and behaving like him, i.e., hyper-fan-ness.

by A-SGG January 8, 2012

Hyper Diarrhea

When the super big brown comes out

Man one: "I shitted a big brown out of my horrible ass"
Man one: "Hyper Diarrhea"

by spegt December 24, 2022

Lean Mass Hyper-Responder

The term "lean mass hyper-responder" was coined by software engineer David Feldman on July 3, 2017 while posting in his low-carb diet blog: "Cholesterol Code." The blog post called "Are you a Lean Mass Hyper-responder?" quickly circulated through the low-carb community.

As background, the original term "hyper-responder" was already used by dietary professionals for years prior to Feldman's blog post. And in dietary literature, a "hyper-responder" is someone who adopts a low-carb diet, then experiences dramatic cholesterol elevation. So when Feldman wrote his 2017 blog article, he co-opted "hyper-responder," and crafted his new term "lean mass hyper-responder" to describe what he believes is a metabolically unique sub-set of all hyper-responders. Specifically, some hyper-responders begin a low-carb diet while already in possession of a very lean body mass. And yet in spite of this, they still --quite counter-intuitively-- respond with extreme cholesterol elevation. Additionally, these subjects experience a marked decrease in triglycerides, while exhibiting excellent metabolic health. The entire phenomenon defied a long-standing metabolic theory called "The Lipid Energy Model," presenting a scientific conundrum for Feldman.

Feldman believed that all this was a significant observation worth exploring. And his efforts eventually led to a 2023 research project called "The Lean Mass Hyper-Responder Study" led by Dr. Matthew Budoff and Dr. Nicholas Norwitz at Lundquist, UCLA.

IN A SENTENCE: "Steve has always been a tall, skinny, beanpole of a guy. And then when he went on the carnivore diet, he was still skinny, but his cholesterol went through the roof. His doc said that overall he's pretty healthy, so he might just be a lean mass hyper-responder."

by Innocent Byproduct December 13, 2023


A condition of being super hyper without an underlying condition causing a person to be hyper.

I’m so happy it causes me to have hyperism.

by Nellieg76 January 23, 2021

Hyper viality

A made up condition that infertile men use to say that their infertileness is caused by their sperm shooting through the egg instead of admitting they're real reason of infertleness

"I have hyper viality"
"is that a real thing? also your the worst pierce"
"it sure is"
"i'll let you believe that"

by VioletParr February 28, 2022