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Love completely takes over you. It becomes your utter & complete priority. Love makes you go mad. Whoever you are in love with will have complete power over your emotions. You value this person's life over your own because the very thought of being alive without them hurts. Don’t mistake lust for love. Lust is boners, porn & bases. Now love is when you feel complete, ‘infinite’ when you’re purely with this person. You'll feel a sense of extreme peace & serenity around them. Love is seeing a quote & instantly thinking of them. Love is mistaken often by teenagers in this generation, because they are lonely. But it is also assumed to be something that only older people can obtain, this is false, anyone can fall in love. Love is something that completely knocks you over & takes the breathe out of you. Love bulldozes those walls you build around yourself, you will be so dangerously open to them. Love is precarious & hazardous. You're either so happy things are going well that you can't sleep or so sad things are going bad that you can’t. You will think about this person all the time. You will consider them before making simple actions, you will wonder if they still think about you. The fact that "When a heart breaks it don't break even", is what makes love so dangerous. You’re so vulnerable when you are in love & things can so easily go bad when the feeling is not mutual. Heartbreak- 2 billion songs are written about it. Be careful of love, it is not something to be taken lightly.

"Do you want me to tell you something really submersive? Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it... It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more." - Erica Jong

by fia8977 September 28, 2012

8👍 2👎


A feeling that is pure and timeless. If it is real it is ever-lasting and can sustain anything. False love is common and will decieve people but true love will never hurt nor lie to those who have it. One of the best ways to find true happiness. Money does not compare to it at any amount. True love is hard to find these days because people seem to forget what it is about. Many people are too busy hating to look behind them and see the one they love waiting for them. Hate only destroys and can never fix anything. Love will mend all and keep us all going. True love is something you can not fake or replace. Everyone deserves it and should have it.

Love is the most powerful force in the universe.
A ship may sink but if the one sailing is loved their memory will stay afloat for all of time.

by Elliekelsa1994 February 24, 2009

8👍 2👎


love is just another form of suicide. eventually, one of two things will happen: he'll realize you're worth it, or you'll realize he ISN'T!

I wish he would love me again the way he used to. I don't know what changed...

by a_sad_one November 25, 2005

35👍 17👎

To love

Is like Giving somebody a gun, allowing him/her to point it to your heart while trusting he/she will never pull the trigger.

To make yourself vulnerable and exposing too much of what's on your mind and heart not noticing than the other person never asked or showed any interest on anything related to your life. The only place where you ever had the other's full attention was in bed and everytime you had sex with him/her some hope arised that you were closer to her/his heart. As you later realized it was not the case.

To put oneself in a very dangerous position when not sure of the other person's feelings.
To become temporarily naive at heart regardless of being a very rational person in other circumstances.
After you stop loving the person you go back to your regular rational state and beat yourself over all the signs ignored, over all the unrequested love given but basically about having believed that the other person could love somebody else but himself/herself. You promise to never love again but you eventually do.

Rossy: I heard Carla got her heart broken. How is she doing?

Patty: I warned her. To love a guy that selfish always ends up hurting. She will bounce back. Is just a matter of time.

by Me at Dawn April 17, 2011

14👍 5👎


Love will leave you happy, or completely shattered. There isn't really an in between if you're actually in love. Real love is hard to find so if you have it appreciate it.

Love isn't always an open door.

by Rashel1308 April 30, 2020

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Love is that action requiring a superhuman level of selflessness. Love is giving and caring when you will not be compensated.

A mentor who gives untiringly of her/his time, emotion and caring knowing that there may be little difference made. A teacher who recognizes each day in the faces of her/his bedraggled,unlovely and unloving students the value of each human being.

by Sarah Shreve June 28, 2005

14👍 5👎

Love in

Where some people get together to show there love to each other in a love session where they hug,kiss each other ect. and that can lead to sex and the drug escasty ect. can be used.
Love ins date back to the hippie generation of the 1960's but is having a revival in recent years.

Are you going to the love in?

by Deep blue 2012 March 14, 2010

14👍 6👎