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A school in south London for prestige bitches. You may find the odd nice one but they are very rare. Most jags girls think they’re really fit but usually their eyebrow shades are darker than anything you’ve ever seen before. The population of the school is literally made up of lesbians so if u want a gay child send them to jags.

“Are you sending little Becky to jags?”
Yh I think it would be good for her, the academics are great!”
Ur daughter gay fam”

by Sweatybollocks69 October 30, 2018


Wisconsin term used to describe an unknown amount of material.

That's a hell of a jag of firewood you got!

by Deesnuts699696969 March 26, 2022

Wag Jag

The act of dancing where chest pops while moving arms and hips in a rotating motion

Oh man look at Ian "Wag Jag"!

by Jaxandbrit January 24, 2012

jagged mountain

Narrowly cut circumcision or botched cut

He has such a jagged mountain

by Funkygoalie December 16, 2016

Jag hetar

Formal Swedish for 'My name is ...'.

Jag hetar Gustaff

by catanddodted June 10, 2024

On Jag

When you’re too serious to use on jah or you’re absolutely not cappin

I slept with your mom like on jag

by Onjagboiiii March 26, 2020

Jag kommer Faan trycka dig

Its a sentence in swedish made by Thomas, and it means "I will going to fuck you!"

Kp: Hej thomas!
Thomas: Tjena snygging
Kp: Vill du bli ihop?
Thomas: Ja det vill jag, Hur hårt ska jag trycka dig?
Kp: du ska faan trycka mig 5000!
Thomas: ja, jag kommer faan trycka dig!

by Abdiscoolaliv June 26, 2021