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Kinky Snow Whore

1. Most people in the world.
2. anybodies ex-girlfriend.

1.Why god why is everyone such a kinky snow whore!!??
2. Tyler: "Man I heard your girlfriend left you"! Dustin: thats ok I found out that she was a kinky snow whore anyways"!:P

by KSH or SJV May 23, 2010

1๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Omg Sharon you are so kinky.

When an individual named Sharon or any other name says something kinky but in a hidden way, you use this phrase to expose them and point it out.

-Sharon: Ah I want that (sexual or something dirty)
-Abdul: Omg Sharon you are so kinky.
-Sharon: Haha I indeed am.
โ€ข In here it was used to expose the true (kinky meaning).

by B-S16 June 10, 2019

Kinky People Can Often Find Great Sex

A mnemonic device to remember the taxonomic order: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.

Person: Crap, I forgot to study, whats the Taxonomic order?
Friend: Kinky People Can Often Find Great Sex
Person: What?

by HockeyUSA27 May 12, 2006

202๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

super kinky triple penatrating steam boat aviating cream pie

when a girl has a penis in her mouth, vagina and ass wile giving a blow job to a man on the toilet wile the man in the girls butt puts his penis in the girls ass like a hot dog bun wile a man squrits the girls vagina from a 2 foot distance that is illeagal in 30 states

also know as six guys, one girl, and a toilet.

super kinky triple penatrating steam boat aviating cream pie

by nipwhale69 November 4, 2011

4๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kinky Blinky

A wink with the back door (a**hole)/anus.

I was hitting her from behind, had her tight against the wall, I looked down, and their it was; staring right back at me giving me the kinky blinky.

by Seanul April 8, 2022

Kinky Binks

A black persons hair, similar to nappy headed but usually tiny curls slightly balding. Like Ilian Omar without the burka.

A term used in the 60's through the 80's.

Look at her, those nasty ass kinky binks, that bytch has no hair.

by Chicago Ray November 5, 2021

kinky shenanigans

activities with friends which are often extremely stupid. does or does not have to be in any way kinky.

Person 1: "hey wanna get up to some kinky shenanigans together this weekend?"

Person 1's friend: "hell yea brother" *smashes beer over forehead and chugs*

by dylan loves bbc April 15, 2023