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Lad name

The male equivalent of a “maiden name”
Its used to describe a males surname before marriage.

Example 1: Oi bruv, hear u was getting married, looks like you’re going be losing that lad name.
Example 2: Davies? No, that was my lad name, im now happily married and called mr webberley

by McLad December 9, 2018

Mad lad

Some who goes far beond for a joke.

There is a subreddit about them.

"That man is a Mad lad"

by YEAH-I'm-moist December 22, 2019

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Ghangly Lad

The opposite of a portly gentleman a ghangly lad is a guy who is very slender and skinny. He is also usually very tall

wow that goalkeeper for Iceland is a Ghangly Lad!

by xndrh1 April 12, 2009

Touch Lad

What is usually said to show that a feeling of respect is mutual or to show thanks, this is generally followed by bumping knuckles together with the other person.

Person 1: "Orr! I'm gonners lad!"
Person 2: "Touch lad!"
*touch fists*

by Drewwy310 November 4, 2010

Lad Boi

typically a guy with a small penis

Person 1. "Lad boi has a small penis
Person 2.yeah Lad Boi is a youtube search it up

by Basically_A_Skeleton January 11, 2019

Lad Boi

Another word for faggot. Most likely has a Dick in his moth at this very moment. Dose not know what vagina or boobs are. Most likely a Bayonet main in Smash Bros so he can fantasies about having the heel of here shoes on his ball sack. another name for a Lad Boi is "Micro Penis", which is very accurate

Person 1: Yo, do you see Lad Boi over there
Person 2: yeah, I think hes gay.
Person 1: VERY big gay

by Mr. Autism January 11, 2019

Fancy Lad

1. I guy who is very "girly". Has rosie cheeks and prances around like a nancy boy. Dresses with flare.
2. Someone who says he isn't gay but acts like a fag all the time.

I work with a bunch of Fancy lads and I would be wrong to beat them.
Tyler looked like a Fancy Lad in his new car.

by Jimboozie October 14, 2003

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