When you sweep up too much glitter during the holiday season. Coined by Micarah Tewers in her holiday Barbie video.
Person 1: gosh im working so much I’m getting glitter lung from sweeping so much Christmas decorations
Slang for COVID-19 respiratory illness and any variant by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
"Oh bro, did you hear Jerry just got fucked up by the Covid?!" Yeah, I don't know if he is gonna survive the Lung Aids."
To shake hands with the Bishop with superlative and potentially damaging vigour. The phrase is based on the case of a man who had to go to ER with lung trauma, self-inflicted via an excessive Barclays.
Can also be employed to describe enjoying something to a level beyond reason or warrant, whilst also implying that the person experiencing said enjoyment is a wanker.
Alf: I’ve just seen the Snyder Cut of Justice League and it’s the best film ever in the history of film.
Bob: Calm down, don’t tear a lung.
Crack lung. The sound your crack head neighbour makes when he coughs up his lung.
You hear eagle with his crack lung again?
Condensation which forms on the inside of the windows of a vehicle, esp. public transit in the winter. Can also refer to the thick humid air that fills a vehicle's cabin, resulting from many people exhaling in a confined space, such as a bus or train car.
Jim caught TB from all the lung juice he breathed in while riding the bus in the ghetto.
When you take a rancid hit out of a water pipe and experience instant wheezing.
Somebody passed me the bong with a dirty mid-grade buffalo fart in it and I instantly got tight lung.
Excessive coughing with large amounts of phlegm coming from chest(congestion). Often happens after quiting smoking and sometimes seasonal allergies.
I haven't smoked a butt in 3 days and the jelly lung is already killing me!