Someone that takes charge of the lowest level job at an office. Counting mail.
I'm supposed to put letters in one pile and checks in another pile so maybe I'd better ask the mail boss for official training.
A USPS-delivered hair-styling kit with instructions on how to make an idiot of yourself with an outlandish hairdo.
Mail coifs are a real rip-off --- you would do better just shaving yourself bald.
Having your personal business publicized; usually brings shame and embarrasment
Tiffany had her mail read in front of the entire office before she quit.
Don't make me read your mail in front of all these people!
Imagine doing a countdown and end up with terrible timing
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ........ Nothing happens
That's fail mail
1.a punch to the face.
(also "mail droped".)
chavo got mail droped for woofin' shit.
this sucker's 'bout to get mail droped.
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when a woman really wants a guy she will send him her panties through the mail often with a note. this is called panty mail.
guess what I got some panty mail.
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F-mail is shortened from the term "facebook mail" which is the private message service provided for facebook accounts.
Dude, i lost my phone. If you need to contact me just F-Mail me
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