Source Code

Mushroom head

A mushroom head is the head of your penis. It is the cap like part of a penis and usually is the thickest part of a penis. Mushroom heads are similar in looks to a mushroom so that's why we call the head a mushroom head.

Lorenzo: I heard you got a blowjob from Chris
Samer: No he was just biting my mushroom head

by SEXYCHIPMUNK June 2, 2016

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Mushroom Stamp

An imaginary outline left by slapping one’s magnum dong against the face of another.

If you gave Lady Gaga a mushroom stamp, you'd be using your dong to poker face.

by Rationalize October 3, 2011

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mushroom transformation

A penis with big head and smaller middle part like a mushroom.

Look, mushroom transformation!! Lol!

by SandaimeSpaceMan February 24, 2008

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Pizza Mushrooms

Pizza mushrooms are typically found on pizza. Many people enjoy pizza mushrooms but do not otherwise like mushrooms.

A: Dude want some mushrooms?
B: No man I don't dig mushrooms.
A: It's okay they're Pizza mushrooms
B: Baller hook it up!!!

by Lisom April 12, 2009

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mushroom basket

Slang used to define one's vagina.

"Her mushroom basket smells like dog piss"

"Fuck I'd love to throw it in her mushroom basket"

"Thats the hairiest mushroom basket I've ever seen! Fuckn' thing looks like Chewbacca"

by Anthony A January 27, 2008

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Green Mushroom

As in the Mario series when one gains a green mushroom the words "one up" flash on the screen, this is when you tell a story and someone else tries to tell a story better than you.

John: "i once skydived"

Bob: "yeah well i skydived and shot 4 ninjas whilst slaying a dragon and throwing the ring into Mt. Doom."

John: "Green Mushroom me again and you die."

by jameswilson December 22, 2009

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the creamy mushroom

the creamy mushroom defined is when an uncircumcised man is about to ejaculate and holds the splooge in the foreskin and gives the women a stamp in the shape of a mushroom from the dick head on said womens forehead.

Gregg: Sandor give that triflin ass bitcha the creamiest of the mushrooms like it was a camble soup lable

Sandor: yea that schlompe had it comin for putting a finger nail in my butt and using tooths.

sandor : yo gregg i just did it she got the creamy mushroom.

by poopstinken April 14, 2010

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