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neck nominate

So some stupid twat gets "neck nominated" This stupid twat then has to film themselves whilst drinking large amounts of alcohol and doing a dare looking like a stupid twat in the process.

They then nominate two other stupid twats to do the same thing.

It's for idiots, stupid twats, people who like to risk dying, disability, brain damage, public humiliation and looking like a stupid twat for a social media craze.

Jane "Why is Ben drinking a bottle of vodka whilst Standing on the roof of a bus?"

Toby "because he's a neck nominated stupid twat"

Liam "how did Ben die?"

Jane "don't know if was alcohol poisoning or getting his head squashed when he fell off that bus after he was neck nominated"

Liam "stupid twat!"

by nut-house-bird February 8, 2014

18๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

neck wrecker

A term used in the thrash metal community to refer to an excellent song, conducive to headbanging

Damn, "Kill on Command" by Vio-Lence is a real neck wrecker.

by WarGoatForestWolf666 March 28, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

shit neck

An even larger idiot or menace than a shit head, as his head rests up that which is shit.

Look at that group of shit necks...I'd like to knock them out.

by slickster September 18, 2003

25๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Douchebag Neck

A form of a t-shirt neck derived from a v-neck. The difference is a douchebag neck shirt cuts very low, usually to show off man cleavage

Tim used to wear crew necks, then he started working out and wore v-necks... now he just wears douchebag necks.


by Brock A October 12, 2008

41๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gimme that neck

When somebody says something stupid that can't be ignored you say "gimme that neck" or "that's a neck"

1. If someone necks you for no reason that's a false neck
2. If a person doesn't neck within a week of saying "that's a neck" or "gimme that neck" the neck is no longer valid

Amy "what is Obamas last name?"


by Bruh-1108 July 20, 2016

42๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

neck rub

A firm massage of the muscles on the back of the neck from below the jawbone into the shoulders, preferable provided by a member of the opposite sex. Sometimes use as an early flirting move.

After working at the computer all day, I could really use a neck rub.

by Way Cool Rich May 3, 2007

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Deep Neck

An endearing term for that special female (or male) that is able to take a whole, endowed, engorged cock, all the way, balls deep for that wonderful throat filling blow job.

Braaaahhh you might want to ask out that chick at the end of the bar. Rumor has it she's a deep neck.

Carl hated his wife but she's worth keeping around cause she's a deep neck.

Dude your grandma is a deep neck.

by Eaton Holgoode February 21, 2017

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