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butt shorts

Those skimpy shorts girls wear with writing on them, usually a logo (ex. Juicy.

"What's up with those butt shorts girls wear with Juicy written on their crack?...Makes me think of diarrhea..."

by Anonymous October 11, 2004

34πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

short ones

term for young children

Carl had to leave work early in order to get to the elementary school in time to pick up his short ones....

by sheila in the car July 13, 2011

26πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

short eyes

a prison incarcerated for child moslestion.

"don't associate with him cuz his got short eyes"

by x July 27, 2003

179πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž

Short Girl

A girl who's height ranges from 5" 3 and lower. Usually very light somewhat chubby or very skinny. Use caution: Short jokes are a major turn off, they are sensitive about the subject. They are a perfect companion for a tall male in all aspects, they can reach objects that a tall male must bend down for, as a tall male can reach things on the "top shelf" that the short stature of the small girl limits.

Tall people develop (not always but often) back, leg, and knee problems, a short girl is perfect to have to aid this.

"Look at that short girl! She's so tiny! I want her!"

"Calm down short girl you may combust from excitement"

by Shortchick87 April 17, 2016

85πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

short bus

A small bus that is not always used for transporting special education students. It is also used in small school districts in which it would be wasteful to use a full size bus every day.

"I ride the short bus."
"Dude! You must be retarded!"

"No. I just go to a really small school."

by maxBoredom August 29, 2009

72πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

squeeze the shorts

(FINANCE) hilarious term used for over a century in the trading of stocks, commodities, etc. A way in which someone who controls much of the outstanding shares of stock can make a lot of money while ruining those who are betting against the stock.

A "short" is traditionally someone with expertise in shorting a stock, i.e., managing to borrow shares and sell them in anticipation of a decline in value. Obviously, if there are many people shorting a particular stock at any given time, and if they are wrong about the future, then a steep rise in value if the share price will not only cause them to lose money, it will force panic purchases of stock as the traders attempt to cover their shorts. If the instigator of the squeeze is successful, he will have a corner, and drive the price of the stock up to absurd levels.

An unsuccessful squeeze of shorts in a copper trust triggered the Crisis of 1907. That, in turn, triggered the Aldrich–Vreeland Act (May 1908).

The brokers, after awhile, commenced to borrow large amounts of the stock. This convinced the insiders that there was a big short interest somewhere, and they got together in order to squeeze the shorts... They never awakened to the fact that the {president of the company} had sold out on them... {and were totally ruined}

Henry Clews, Victor Niederhoffer, *Fifty Years in Wall Street*, p.149

by Abu Yahya April 5, 2010

28πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

short snack

A snack that is obtained and consumed in a short amount on time; usually in less than five minutes.

"Grab a short snack and get to bed!" Dad.

by Starkblast19 November 6, 2017

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž