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Austrian People

Beautiful and cultured people with a great sense of humor and a great lifestyle. They also make great food. Some of them are back stabbers and some are gracious and well sophisticated.

Austrian People have great hearts. See Also: Austria

by Max von Trapp August 31, 2007

100๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

Onion people

Type of people living in Poland.
In Poland we name them ,,Janusze''.
They are famous for being cheap.
They always look for a bargain.
Identification marks:
,,Kuuuuurล‚a" which means that something is very dope.
,,Somsiad zล‚odziej" (Neighbour stealer).They also cannot behave in different situatuons.
They fight for a carp in Lidl.
They aren't generous

-Man, look at them
-I see onion people
-Fu*k them they fight for a carp
-Come on just don't look at them bro

by Realmaniac1 January 30, 2019

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

peoples chariot

the peoples chariot is just another name for the bus!

"the peoples chariot is never on time"

by Nigel May 22, 2004

11๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

chalk people

Pale individuals who go to the beach, usually tourists. Traditionally, lacking any tan... tallow and brittle.

Dude, check out the chalk people surfing.

Looks like Leisure World dumped some chalk people down by the strands.

by TGS March 9, 2004

117๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

fake people

the ones you thought that were your friends until you find out they are talking crap behind you back. The ones that want attention , the ones who just use you for something!

Hey look!

Rachael and Sadie are being fake people, they like talking bad about us behind our backs!

by 0of_ January 22, 2019

19๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

White people

There are two common usages of that term.
1. Noticing someone / some people simply have white coloured skin.
2. People that are weird in a typical way for white people. When a white man / woman behaves like other white people, most often doing something cringe, we can call them white man / woman. It doesn't mean that their culture, look etc. are treated like it's cringe or weird. That term is used certainly by black people. In my opinion it's not racist, because same goes with term of "black people" or "asian people". Sometimes that definition is used in racist way like: "Actually only white would fall if they were punched.", it's racist because other race people colud also fall after a punch.
~written by a white guy btw.

1. Hey look, there are some white people passing by.

2.1. (white guy): Oh god, give me some milk

2.1. (black guy): Bro it's not even spicy, you're a white guy.

2.2. (white guy 1): How the hell are they jumping so high?
2.2. (white guy 2): Sick, they are some black people.

by capri sun addict March 26, 2023

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old people

people over 65

look at all the old people.

by big k April 4, 2004

493๐Ÿ‘ 164๐Ÿ‘Ž