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😱: 《¤》Rebecca《¤》Crewesu《¤》Dentalu《¤》Records《¤》

by InterpersonalCommunication February 22, 2025

Friendly Neighbor Records

Independent record label from Montreal.

Artists signed to the label include RG, Lost6oy, King Reefer, The Truth, Shadow Silver, Klassic, Joey D, and Lil BoyGoth.

Official website:


My brother was speaking with the head of Friendly Neighbor Records yesterday, he's hoping to get signed soon.

by WowItsRG May 3, 2020

broken record method

repeatedly say no to a hoebag that has a crush on you but you hate this person

I used the broken record method on her

by Camicorn Raptor March 7, 2017

Police record

Files/datas that are filled with someone's bullshits,or even worse, which are been kept by the police, in order to restrain your life as a punishment or to remember you forever.

By the time I applied a street-illegal exhaust in my motorbike, a cop's motorcycle caught me, and from now on, i own a police record.

by Xrousi March 10, 2022

Reverse the Record

Another way of correcting oneself to say what they mean to say.

To back to what you are doing previous of what you were doing now

“I saw Charlie, wait I gotta Reverse the Record. I seen Charlie making out with that same girl last week!

by Krichards August 25, 2019

government's record

постановление правительства

The Prime Minister yesterday attacked the Government's record on unemployment, claiming that things were better during the 13 years of Conservative rule.

(Премьер-министр вчера раскритиковал постановление правительства касательно безработицы, утверждая, что дела обстояли лучше в течение 13 лет консервативного правления.)

by hollli November 22, 2016

Caroline Records

A fanon record label founded in 2000. It is home to artists such as Shabnam and Mima Momasaki.

My sister, Lacey, is signed to Caroline Records!
That’s so cool

by thecharacterwannie March 14, 2023