Smart, stubborn, funny detective (also lazy). She's definitely not sleepy. She have funny and lovely edits about Camren
She likes to win
Rose is our thing
She's lazy kidding queen
Good night Rosie Rose
Rosie is the much loved character from the children’s classic Thomas the tank engine. She is a lively little tank engine who works as both a shunting engine, and a mixed-traffic engine. If your lucky enough to find two Rosie toys whilst playing trains, it is known as a ‘DOUBLE ROSIE’
“Check out that kids train set! His got a DOUBLE ROSIE in his arsenal”
Waking up super horny and ready to fuck someone's brains out but your alone. Usually followed up with some sort of sexual perversion that shames your soul for life.
Nigga- damn nigga I woke up with the rosie Rouse. Home girl wasn't home so I ended up fucking her stuffed animals with a hot dog in my ass. Other nigga- my nigga what the fuck! Take that shit somewhere else.
An absolute amazing friend who is always there for you when ever you need help. She always makes sure you are ok and that you are safe, and lights up a room with her presence. She is pretty, reall really smart and extremely kind. She puts everyone before herself and always makes sure people are the best they can be. She makes everyone feel better about life and feel less overwelmed. Rosies never see how amazing they are, so if you get the chance to tell them, please do. If you have a Rosie in your life, hold onto her becuase she's very very special.
Today has been a bad day, I should call Rosie <3, she will make me feel better. Rosie is an amazing friend, I'm so glad I know her.
The feeling you get when you sat down in the sun for too long
“The Rosy-ness is gone now, but I still have two pink cheeks.”
A unit used when measuring time, deceivingly longer than an actual minute. Used to trick people into believing something will end shortly (ie. a minute) in order to get you to complete a task, yet often takes 2-3 times longer.
Bruce: I was ploughing away for ages so I asked her if she was about to come, and she said 'in a minute.'
Sean: How much longer did it take?
Bruce: About two more Taylor Swift songs.
Sean: More like a Rosie minute then.
A person who likes to seek attention and doesn't like the wally young team
Person 1:yunno that Rosie Gilmour girl?
Person 2: yeah I heard she slit her wrist for attention