Source Code

Cooter Scooter

a slang word for a dildo, vibrator, or strap-on.

Roy was looking through his mom's room for something and came across her cooter scooter. He was scared for life.

by zmar328 April 25, 2012

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Scooter Fag

A scooter fag often comes from a very well off background but pretends to be from the ghetto for an uknown reason. Scooter faggs are often known to say the n word as an Indian because there โ€œblack friendโ€ โ€œgave them a passโ€, they most likely have no ankles so if you are ever attacked by one, aim there.

Scooter fag 1 (Indian) โ€œsup my niggaโ€
Boy 1 (white) โ€œYOU CANT SAY THE N WORDโ€
Scooter fag gang (mostly white) โ€œ yes he can heโ€™s blackโ€

Scooter fag 1 (Indian) โ€œsup my niggaโ€
Boy 1 (black)
Scooter fag gang (mostly white) โ€œWOAH you canโ€™t say the n word dudeโ€

by Scooterfagbeater December 11, 2018

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scooter steve

a young boy who rides a two wheeled device named a scooter and is mocked by his peers, and also one lonely night pushed his grandfather down the steep stairs and laughed

Matthew stevenson scooter steve braaaaaap

by TCS JW ! October 14, 2010

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pooter scooter

its a scooter made out of assholes

while scooters are fun toys for kids, pooter scooters are more directed for mature audiences

by iwillpootyourscoot December 18, 2008

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Commit Scooter Ankle

A super mean thing to say. These 3 words condemn anyone to the worst, most vile pain imaginable.

" I Ate your kids"
"Go Commit scooter ankle"

by BigBoiSeth November 1, 2018

117๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Commit Scooter Ankle

The worst and most painful way to die.

"Yo! Be careful not to commit scooter ankle on your scooter... They can be dangerous."

(Scooter ankle ptsd kicks in)

by The master of yeets April 2, 2019

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Walmart Fat Scooter

The mobility scooters provided by Walmart for the use of handicapped people but are usually only used by very fat people who are probably able to walk around but are either too lazy to walk or who have converted their obesity into a handicap for which they receive disability benefits. Most often seen with the front basket loaded with multiples of sugar or fat containing foods or other unhealthy food choices for someone of their size- along with a helper spouse/child/friend pushing a regular shopping cart loaded with the same. You will never, ever see an obese person driving a Walmart Fat Scooter with the basket containing excercise videos and hand weights. The typical Walmart Fat Scooter driver also seems to not have any experience in piloting the scooter as they tend to make full u-turns in aisles with other people forcing the people to move out of the scooter's way.

Dude 1: Look at that guy driving the Walmart Fat Scooter. He is huge and obese- how can people let themselves get that huge?

Dude 2: I think they get that big by using the Walmart Fat Scooter and buying bulk candy here at Walmart. Look at his basket. It's loaded up with bags of the after-Halloween sale candy!

by econobiker October 29, 2009

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