A time frame defining in its earliest and/or latest.
Stacy got married to John so soon as they’ve only been dating for 4 years.
something happening/ coming in the future. something happening in a minute, a day, a month, a year, a decade ect.
(i’m 3 years old) my baby’s coming soon (it’s coming in 22 years)
Hey evan when are you getting on?
(3 hours later)
Let's play a Thunt guys
Used to indicate a measurement for units of time when anticipating ones arrival In theory the measurement is mathematically sound and universally understood yet can never be met with the same result as anticipated.
The following formula applied to the unit of measurement results in a more accurate and true time.
Soon = (time said x time conscious) + (time deadline × time unconscious) ÷ total number of drops remaining till distance is closer than anyone else
I'll be there soon after I do a few drops
1) What every dirty old man desires (young pussy asap)
2) An unfortunate Chinese name
Hey Grandpa! What would you like for your birthday?
A double helping of Yung Poon Soon.
Happening pretty soon, like really soon. Probably within the day or so.
Dang girl, I just wanna see you really really soon