Another word for pyjamas. Mostly commonly used by brown people.
i forgot to put my night suit in the laundry this morning.
The larger more spacious stall in any given restroom.
Typically the handicapped accessible stall, the suite offers accommodations including only one adjacent neighbor, extended leg room and a longer line of sight. All of which accumulating to bring the user the most pleasurable and comfortable restroom experience without sacrificing privacy.
Sky: That didn't take long, I've only been waiting 15 minutes for you to get out of the bathroom.
Dave: What can I say, the luxury suite treats you well.
Term referring to the vagina on the female anatomy. Used as code with escorts. Often times it infers that the escort is open for intercourse.
a groutfit that is all the same shade of grey
She's wearing all the same shade of grey! What a squirrel suit!
A suit resembling a tanooki that, when worn, allows the wearer to attack with a tail, fly, and glide for limited periods of time.
“Tanooki suits first appeared in Super Mario Bros. 3.”
thin rubber sheath worn on a dudes pee pee during coitus to protect you from getting a baby mama or from getting the poo on you.
Jesse:Do you have a condom?
Terry:No, I have my handy dandy Duck suit™️
Jesse: thanks Duck suit!
When you fart into your someone's pajama pants... and it's hot.
My girlfriend has always wanted to go to the Bahamas, but we couldn't afford it - so I gave her a tropical suit instead.