A hedgehog that has been ran over with no mercy.
basically ''Sonic The Hedgehog Hair'' means when you go into school and then your hair looks like sonic.
and then youre embarrased beacuse your teacher said you have sonic hair and every kid in the planet is laughing.
person 1: hey you got Sonic The Hedgehog Hair.
every kid on earth: hAhAhAhA
me: i am going to dismantle you
A stupid self insert mary sue who is just an object for Shadow The Hedgehog to ejaculate inside
I'm really disappointed in myself for knowing who Arii The Hedgehog is
A stupid self insert mary sue who is nothing more than an object for Shadow The Hedgehog to ejaculate inside.
I'm really disappointed in myself for knowing who Arii The Hedgehog is.
Sonic the Hedgehog turns into a muder mystery on a train. Also Sonic dies.
Ben: "Have you played The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog? It's free on Steam!"
Joey: "Yeah. I can't Sonic dies."
A golden hedgehog is when you're a C-level executive and you do something incredibly stupid like sleeping with a direct report and you get fired and you don't get a golden parachute, you get NOTHING...also known as a Golden Hedgehog
Dude did you hear about James Dickwad III. He just got fired for sleeping with Lisa! I hope he doesn't get a golden parachute. Naw that dumbass walks away with nothing. A golden hedgehog.
1. Find willing participant (no means no dont be rapey n shit - that's frowned upon
2. Slouch over like you have osteoporosis and hunch your back like quazi moto.
3. Grab a hedgehog and take out his knees with a blunt onject (cripple the fuck outta him)
4. Insert penis into preferred cavity of chosen participant and hump like hell (must still be in quazi moto stance) while they continue to beat the shit outta the hedgehog.
We did the humpbacked crippled hedgehog and it was epic