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sick breath

the foul odor, on top of your partners bad breath, associated with a cold or some other type of sickness.

"aww babe you got some horrible sick breath"

by aawalll October 20, 2009

Sick full

When you eat so much that you can barely walk or do anything, and you feel like you could throw up.

I can’t go out tonight dude, I feel sick full.

Want to get some desert ?

No man, I’m sick full...

by Larata January 28, 2020

Sick as fuck

"sick as fuck" awesome at doing fucking everything


by Xcypherrx September 11, 2017

crown sickness

when you win in fortnite, get a crown, and 5 squads roll your ass with their sweaty ass pin point ahhh aim.

this only happens when you have a crown btw, not in any other game

omg dude this ttv btw just fucking killed me broooo, (all other teammates die) brooo i think we got crown sickness come on brooooooooo

by yxcas December 23, 2022

Sick Joke

a questionable event caused by someone or something causes you to be slightly disgusted and/or disappointed but not angry.

Friend- "Im gonna be about an hour late"
Reply. "Is that some kind of sick joke?"

by Caden Clark December 7, 2019

Sick Pimping

Pretty obvious, it means you're pimping like a bause. You got that shit, the girls come easy, no problem, you got more than one, you are good at getting girls, etc

Friend: Whoa wait, were you just kissing Casey? I thought you were dating Jean? And I heard something about you and that other girl, wtf man?
You: Sick Pimping bro.

by LexHavoc October 24, 2010

sick in love

When you are so in love with another, that being away from them literally makes you sick to your stomach.

No need for a sentence, if you are here you are already sick in love.

by Rulsbn December 17, 2014