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basic lesbian

lesbians who dress up like lumberjacks and have 12 year old boy haircuts

all that flannel makes you look like a basic lesbian

by kattende March 8, 2017

Basic Boss

bā′sĭk bôs • Noun
A person in a position of power exhibiting basic behavior, consistent with every bad boss stereotype. This can include empty promises or offers, putting employees or applicants through hoops, refusal to listen to concerns, and other thoughtless treatment.

“They promised me overtime to work this weekend and then didn’t pay it out, my manager’s on his basic boss shit again.”

by Toban_Frost November 23, 2021

basic stickerer

A person who uses only the most primitive and mainstream sticker kits in Facebook Messenger, mainly Pusheen and Meep.

Did you see that Moped Pusheen George Just sent me? He's such a Basic Stickerer.

by PonyBoyBootyBot420 December 6, 2015

extra basic

When you are trying so hard to be basic that you have become extra.

She was so extra basic with her unicorn hoodie and ugh boots walking in to Dunkin donuts for a pumpkin spice coffee.

by Natasza December 3, 2017

Basic Vibes

When you givin' off vibes like you doing basic shit and acting like a basic bitch, you givin' off basic vibes.

That abercrombie lookin' dude at the ball was givin off REAL basic vibes

by PhilPietro June 6, 2015

naruhina basically

Hinata: I love you!

Naruto: I don't care, I will become Hokage dattebayo!

Hinata: But you are also my Hokage!

Naruto: So? That is why I should become Hokage!

Naruto: Baka! You are the source of my source!

Naruto: You and I are the ultimate source!

Hinata: Inuyasha... what is happening...

Wakaba: Well Naruto... you have become a shinobi!

Naruto: Heh heh...

Naruto: Inuyasha... I will become Hokage baka!

Hinata: You too?

Naruto: Hokage Hinata!

Hinata: Why?

Naruto: Baka! You two must become Hokage baka!

Naruto: With the power of Inuyasha and Naruto... you will be Hokage baka!

Hinata: Baka!

Tsunade: Kami-sama, to save Naruto, I will do anything!

Naruto: We will become Hokage baka!

Hinata: Inuyasha and Naruto... we will be Hokage baka!

Naruto: Hinata and Inuyasha... we will become Hokage baka!

Hinata: I will become Hokage baka!

Hinata: You will become Hokage baka!

Naruto: We will become Hokage baka!

Naruto: We will become Hokage baka!

Hinata: We will become Hokage baka!

Naruto: Baka! Baka! Baka!

Hinata: I will become Hokage baka!

this is naruhina basically

by Drapen August 27, 2022

Above the Basic

10 steps ahead of the "Basic Bitches".
Basic meaning regular, or fake women hopping on every bandwagon.

"Females stay jockin, I'm above the basic"

by TumblrAnonymous March 10, 2012