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"Meep" (noun)

The people that play fork knife kitchen gourmet to much

"You big MEEP!"
"How dare you I do not play fork knife kitchen gourmet to much!!!"

by Forkknifieman December 16, 2018


An unattractive lesbian woman, usually overweight with thick glasses and bad hair. Not fun at parties. A buzzkill who will only talk about woman's rights and why they should cut off your penis if you own one just for having to tolerate them. They're very oppressed people, approach with caution and bring snacks if you attempt to befriend one! They're fierely loyal but will eat you in a famine.

She was a total meep, but The Muff had to have that nookie, and it was the best she'd ever had. It wafted on her for days.

by It's OK, I'm a professional. May 30, 2022


Mostly commonly used at the end of a sentence to signify a break in the sentence. It can also be used to substitute words.

I’m feeling sad today, sad meep. meep. (special voice but make it sad)

by meepmeepmeeping August 22, 2023


a word a white bitch name Carsyn uses. Also the hidden language of the teletubbies

Carsyn : Meep Meep Meep

by PineappleFanta January 18, 2019


you say meep when you don't know what to say or reply but you want to keep talking you say meep.


by Ria vrg September 6, 2019


someone who is a follower or a dick rider and will be like a puppet towards others

shut up bitch your a meep

meep ass nigga

by oneandonlymeep July 31, 2022


a character is meep city in roblox

I Just adopted a meep yesterday

by voomn March 27, 2020