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Simple Plan

a horrible band from canada... the fact that they sing what they feel makes them more facetious, and that voice !!! how bad can it sound !!?!! grrrrr... and his name is Pierre (very frenchy) hahaha

simple plan die hard fans usually consider them as the best band ever... which is evidence that they know nothing about music...

even late night with conan o'brien are making fun of that simple plan song "welcome to my life"... when the misunderstood teenager comes out and the simple plan song plays while conan, max, and the guy stares at one direction or one another... hahaha, one of the funniest things i've ever seen

by shampooo March 10, 2006

78πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž

simple plan

(1)simple plan-simple minds. A band whom are wannabes. Sound crap. Are whiney. Fans are either teenyboppers 'like omg ya simple plan' or some kid who wont shut up about how his/her life sucks.. yada yada yada.
(2) a plan/ scheme that is simple.:|

(1) Oh have you heard that simple plan song, called shut up? Ironic wouldnt you say? they should 'shut up.'
(2) aha! i like it! what simple plan, hmmm could work...

by sid vicious November 1, 2005

80πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž

Simple Plan

A band that tries to be punk, when really they are emo. They are unquestionably one of the worst bands of the last two years, and among the worst of all time.

I would prefer to be trapped in the 80s listening to Wham! and Duran Duran for the rest of my life than listen to Simple Plan.

by Zuby November 3, 2005

81πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž

Simple Plan

A Band that is NOT PUNK ROCK they never said they were punk rock. stop stereo-typing bands. all they want to do is make music they never asked for you to like them. they dont CARE at all if you hate them or not.

Simple Plan does have fans they dont really care you hate them

by Jen and Danielle December 29, 2005

206πŸ‘ 198πŸ‘Ž

evil plan

A plan that is evil. Period.

Then again, it depends on what your definition of 'Evil' is. And if you had a plan to commit that Evil.

For example:
Destroying the world is Evil. If you planned HOW you were going to destroy it, the plan would be Evil. Not because it destroyed the world itself, but because it told you how.
Im not very good at this explaining thing, am I?

Muhahaha my Evil Plan and I shall rule the world!

by Meglomaniac April 25, 2007

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Simple Plan

An amazing Canadian Band from Montreal, Quebec. They've written many songs, including "Welcome To My Life", "Summer Paradise", "When I'm Gone", and "Shut Up". They write songs that people can relate too, and that is why people love them. No, they don't just write songs about "how suckish their life is", because they have other songs than that. -.-

Band members include:
Pierre Bouvier (Lead singer),
David Desrosiers (bass),
SΓ©bastien Lefebvre (rhythm guitar),
Jeff Stinco (lead guitar),

Chuck Comeau (drums).

"Are you going to the Simple Plan concert tonight?"

by A person who loves Simple Plan February 11, 2013

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Simple Plan

Fuckwits with guitars that whine about their lattes.

OMG, like Simple Plan like tottalllly rocks my socks.

by Viggo November 20, 2004

103πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž