A name almost always for human females who do not, and I repeat, do not believe in rituals.
Hey, did you see whether Ticks' has brought pistachios or not?
In Brawl Stars; the incarnation of the devil.
p1: This guy is playing tick
p2: Ohh he must be the devil himself
A married man who is trolling the dating apps and dating women way out of his League, lying to them and pretending to want to build a long term relationship. He buries in deep and tries to elicit feels from the unknowing victim.
Jordan is such a Tick. He is married and sexted me.
Trust me this Crisis I’m dealing with is more than just a tick ok???
A disgusting insect that lives off other organisms by feeding off their blood. Often carry bacteria and harmful diseases like Lyme Disease.
Ticks are really disgusting animals; and I hope to never get bitten by one.
A disgusting insect that lives off other organisms by feeding off their blood. Often carry bacteria and harmful diseases like Lyme Disease.
Ticks are really disgusting animals; and I hope to never get bitten by one.