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The word hoe-ti-fied means that a man has behaved in a scary, feminine, on unmanly manner.

To employ feminine behavior.

To adopt feminine ways.

To become Shook.

C wanted to have sex with Mike, but he was acting so hoe-ti-fied that she just freaked me instead. =D

Jim talked tough in the bar, but once we stepped outside, he began to act hoe-ti-fied.

by Shice April 27, 2009

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A verbal way of expressing excitement out loud in a ghetto fabulous manner.

How much did I win?! WOOP-TI-WOO!

by anotherpasserbyer June 29, 2010

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the characteristics, syndrome, or diagnosis of a nigga-- tardiness, stingyness, laziness, mooching, greediness, irresponsiblity, undependability, and falling asleep after eating. Similar to an illness.

The rap concert started late, cause Lil'Wayne was suffering from a bad case of nigga-i-tis

by treece December 22, 2005

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me encanta ti

Spanish for "I love you", means as much as it does in English (unless its a lie, like it usually is in English)

(encantar, infinitive of encanta, can also mean to be enchanted by)

gf: thanks for helping me with my Spanish test, got an A thanks to you baby (kisses bf)

bf: hmmhm sure (makes out with her, starts taking off her shirt)

gf: no, i don't wantah

bf: .... me encanta ti

(they do it)

by sexybeast42 May 5, 2011

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the rising tied

The name of Fort Minor's album. Named as such because spelling is one of Mike Shinoda's weak points

"Have you heard FM's album?"
"The Rising Tied?"
"Yeah, that."
"Nah. I'm a MAW and refuse to listen to it."

by yomomma1976 January 13, 2006

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wins losses ties

a.k.a. "ratio"

The ratio used to describe how many women a gentleman has poked in the butt, cooch, and both, respectively.

Pat: Damn, dude. Your ratio is beginning to dwindle because you keep fucking these chicks straight up. What's your wins losses ties at now?

Brendan: 1:3:4

Pat: Now we've gotta hire three chicks before your wedding for anal only just to get you back up to an even level!

by jose punk January 15, 2008

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no ti-na the mickle

from Natasja's song "Calabria"
no ti-na the mickle(as in nothing in the middle)

"We can be boyfriend and girlfriend or just friends, no ti-na the mickle"

by Amani-Star August 27, 2008

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