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Billy the extreme gamer

A gamer that games a lot-25 hours a day. He is unwilling to admit that he is an extreme gamer.

โ€œIโ€™m not an extreme gamer!โ€ said Billy the extreme gamer.

by The great goddess Annieee June 26, 2019

Extreme Russian Roulette

A game in which 7 out of 8 chambers are loaded in a Russian manner. The contestant must blind fold their self and hopscotch backwards whilst holding a gun to his or her head and pulling the trigger one time after completing the hopscotch. If the contestant survives, they may then shoot the contender. If the contender lives then you both must die.

I am so mad right now you wanna Extreme Russian Roulette?

by AirplaneAir October 13, 2015

Extremely Violent Shitting

When your asshole gets so blocked that when you finally shit, it burns the mother fucking shit out of it, it jets out with the same force as a small Malaysian child being crushed by a 40 story building, it ends up breaking your toilet and then when you stand up, shivering from what came out of you, blood starts to stream from your anus, down your leg and onto the floor, you start crying as your mum runs in telling you, your grandmother was hit by a semi-truck, with just you crying on the floor in a puddle of blood while a black hole of shit sits in the toilet.

So my Doctor told me to avoid heroin as it can give me Extremely Violent Shitting

by p.lane388141 September 6, 2019

extreme sports punk

A punk that obsesses over the extreme marketing hype. An extreme sports punk:
rides a skateboard
drives a hummer
has a mohawk
has tattoos
has testicular rings
screams "EXTREME" at the top of his lungs
is an asshole
has an IQ lower than 30
participates in vandalism
hates the establishment for no reason other than the sake of doing so
is full of shit
will do anything if you "triple dare" him to


Because extreme sports punks have so little personality, they don't even deserve proper naming.

by DrIdiot April 24, 2005

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Extreme gay chicken

This is a game based on the game gay chicken. It runs on a dare game.

Preperations: take a shower clean every thing even your asshole, get horny

Supplies (optional)
Lube, condoms, rubbergloves

Play the game like a dare sex game for example:

1. Joe i dare you to rub my balls....
2. Jon i dare you to suck on my balls....
3. Joe i dare you to lick precum off my dick...
4. Jon i dare you to suck on my cock..
5. Joe i dare you to suck my cock..
6. Jon i dare you to put lube on my cock and yor ass hole.

Then just continue to do what you want done to you.

This game is very fun and feels great.

If you lose your not gay, the other person just has bragging rights.

Try it you will love it

Dont share your game experience with other people.

Have fun and be safe.

Lets play extreme gay chicken it feels so good.

by Wit trash September 10, 2016

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Extreme Ping Pong

Extreme Ping Pong (also known as freestyle table tennis). Is Ping Pong but extra points are given for extreme moves such as table handstands, dive shots, blindfolded playing, playing while on a trampoline, front flip serve, causing the ball to set alight, playing with no paddle, playing with two paddles etc.
Variations of the games exist such as XXXtreme Ping Pong (This one is played naked) and the most popular variation No Shots Barred, in No Shots Barred the rules are simple the serve must be a regular one but as long as the ball is bouncing its still in play, even if it leaves the table.

Alex: You ready to beat Dan at some Extreme Ping Pong 2v1.
Johnny: Yeh why not, lets make it a No Shots Barred match.
Alex: Ok Epic, let me just get the BDSM gear.
Johnny: :O WTF

by Nex Solo November 19, 2010

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Extreme Gay Chicken

When two straight guys get bored with playing 'gay chicken' the game is stepped up to an "extreme" level.

The first player must remove his pants and lube up his penis... preferably with KY warming jelly.

The second player must also remove his pants, however this contestant must lube his asshole with the chosen lubricant.

Both players then must slowly move closer together, either until one player pulls away (remaining player is deemed winner) or until it is agreed that player 1 is balls deep inside player 2 in which both players are deemed "gay".

Jason is the Tiger Woods of Extreme Gay Chicken!!

by KeaingIsTheBest June 20, 2009

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