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tummy dandruff

dandruff left on one`s stomach after receiving oral sex with someone with dandruff.

" Courtney left a pile of tummy dandruff on me after she blew me"

by BukakeJones September 20, 2017

happy tummy

Feeling happy with yourself after stuffing your mouth with an excessive amount of food even though you are about to vomit

I’ve got happy tummy after eating that disgusting burrito

by Salmon ain’t corn July 27, 2020


1. a word mean lil brothers use to bully their big sisters over their stomach chub ;-;
2. what people who are too dumb to spell tummy the right way say
Note: It doesn't actually mean the sister actually has a BIG tummie ;-;-;-;

"Hey, Tummie i noticed you seem to be going on a diet cause you only ate 300 dumplings today."
"Piss off I literally haven't even eaten breakfast yet ;-;-;-;-;"

by SeaAnnamone March 6, 2018


Running a tongue in circles until reaching the belly button or until uncle is yelled out.

Billy and Sarah were playing tummy-tag last week until Sarah laughed so hard she pissed her pants. She should have cried uncle sooner.

by Waterboy77 May 1, 2016

Tummy Tugger

A Tummy tugger is someone who is exclusively sexually attracted to a person who is overweight, sometimes even weighing more than the tummy tugger themself.

Similar to a Chubby chaser but more extreme

Josh: If you date one more fat girl I swear to god, I'm gonna start thinking youre a Chubby Chaser.
Jacob: I am not a Chubby Chaser I swear!
Andrew: You're right, you're more of a Tummy Tugger honestly.

by AMD_Alien August 1, 2022

Pussy tummy

Another name for a uterus. The forbidden baby walls. The sperm kingdom.

Ex 1 Hey! Give my pussy tummy back!

Ex 2 My period is coming this week and my pussy tummy wants vengeance!

by C-Robz96 December 7, 2020

Tummy truncheon

(Noun) The penis; the male sex organ.

And with a deft flick of her wrist, Prunella had Cuthbert’s tummy truncheon out of his pants and was sucking on it for all she was worth.

by Tempus Fuggin Fugit April 1, 2021