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wizard cat

Someone who does a shit job at answering people and won't give them nut. Wizzy cat give me your fucking nut dammit! I will not hesitate to castrate you

Wizard cat cover me in your nut pls

by CaptainNibbles June 19, 2017

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

wizard sleeve

The inner labia of a vagina that protrude well beyond the outer labia. So called because they are large and stretchy and flap in the wind like the silken sleeve of a wizard's garments. The presence of a wizard sleeve gives the vulva an appearance quite different than a coin slot and usually means the vagina is not a peach.

I went down on her, which was nice, but her freakin' wizard sleeve kept getting in the way!

by CasaP April 24, 2008

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cock wizard

A person who exercises all of the powers of a mythological wizard, only on a penis.

He is a cock wizard.


He is a wizard of the cock.

by cBURT June 23, 2008

18๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Weesnaw Wizard

A Supreme Wizard. Currently, there are ten levels of Wizardry. You will be awarded with a Golden Wand of Spiffiness when you reach level 10. The Wizards arch nemisis is the King Zaamonster. They are Possee Rivals. Cheese Slapping is a traditional fighting technique.

Look at those cool cat bad "Weesnaw Wizards," they are using the Cheese Slapping to defeat those undandy Zaamonsters!

by FoFa February 18, 2008

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Ass Wizard

1.Anyone who posseses the skill of taking it in the ass.
2.Gay man in a wizard's costume.
3.Used as the ultimate insult.

Sam: Man, you're so retarded!

Joel: Smoke my pole ass wizard.

Sam has no comeback, because there is no comeback to being called am ass wizard.

by AJZ - colubus day 2008 October 16, 2008

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Grundle Wizard

A mythical creature lurking in the deepest forest covered corners of the grundle, highly skilled in witchcraft and wizardly endeavors that only surfaces to get its daily fill of grundle gravy and provide bountiful donkey punches.

That pen was a big grundle wizard

by NagDuck January 9, 2010

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wizard cloak

the after effect of a hard fucking, resulting in the lips of ones pussy resembling the folds in a wizard's cloak.

after the frat party kelly had a wicked "wizard cloak"

by kingsley Tenenbaums October 14, 2009

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