yer ma is a come back to crappy english ned's tryin to slag u off
ur a fuckin gay boy ... a weel sos yer ma
The stank ho who begat you, and I am currently banging. A despicable promiscuous woman of extremely low character who lives for having every hole plugged.
I was going to go out and find some chick who is up for anything, you know the type that you would do shit to that you wouldn't do to a farm animal. Then I remembered, Yer ma is coming over! No need to go out!
If a gran dies you get her ashes and snort them like drugs
Before i walked oot of jordans house i had a line of his gran and shouted “yer grans a patsy”
when you have a stupid friend that makes a dumb comment and you want to say oh Jesus Christ but you say oh yer instead
or when you say a sarcastic comment oh yer.
justin didn't make this saying oh yer
Lewis Brown's favourite saying
Ben: "Lewis..."