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HOS stands for ‘Have Our Souls’.
(HOS’ actual meaning is ‘Hands On Shoulders’)

When you need help, you would usually call for SOS services, right? Well, I believe you should start calling HOS services instead of SOS.

Reasons why:

1. HOS sounds very similar to SOS.
2. There is an action that you can perform to attract help:
-This action is where you put your hands on your shoulders and call out for HOS.
3. I don’t know

Always call for HOS instead of SOS!

“Oh no! I’m being kidnapped!” - Kid
“You can’t call for SOS Services now~” - Kidnapper
“If I can’t call SOS Services, I should call HOS!” - Kid
“HOS” (with hands on shoulders) - Kid

by urenergiser January 7, 2022


action. (Hug on Sight). Play on words of KOS (Kill on Sight).
Occurs when a m1 sees m2 in the wild, and is a prophecy in m1's skull that he must HOS to m2.
This has been captured only a few times. When an HOS occurs, special precautions must take place, including special underwear. If an HOS is executed perfectly, it is one the most beautiful things to happen in nature.

when i see m1 i'm going to HOS immediately. Burning building with babies? HOS to m1. School bus explosion? HOS to m1.

by monkeyluvbanana July 30, 2024


Derived from the Persian word hoseleh meaning "the will power or energy or drive to do something"

Pronounced: Hoh-s

"I have no hos to wash dishes right now. I am going to do it tomorrow"
"Bruh this assignment is so much hos. Its extra credit anyway so I'm not gunna do it"

by PersianJewishGuy2626 May 12, 2021


A misspelling of “how” by a woman suspected to be involved in the murder of a Boston Police Officer.

Hos long to die in cold.

by NH TurtleChick January 27, 2024


An South African slang used either as an exclamation or as a greeting.


Jafar: sup bro
Jacob: Hos hos aya, hows it going


(Jafar runs and bumps against Jacob)
Jacob: Hos! Watch where you move Jafar man, before i moer you!

by Ekkelekke November 3, 2023


Short for Hostile!

Yo gamer, you're so hos right now

by DankGamer47 September 21, 2021


A controversial holiday greeting suggested by Bloc Québécois to avoid using Bonjour-Hi.

Store employee: "Bonjour-Ho! Comment puis-je vous aider?"
Customer: What did you just call me?

by RobloxDude March 30, 2021