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Alex is literally the sweetest, most kind and amazing boy you can ever meet. If you have an Alex in ur life ur very lucky :D

Alex is the best

by Ray hehe February 24, 2022


He gets no bitches he has no rizz.

Alexander Redon

by FURRIES.SHALL.DIE December 18, 2022


A depressed kid with problems and wants to kill himself

Alex is a suicidal person he wants to kill him self

by Ale l February 4, 2020


he a cheater and a mentally fucked up person. 0/10 don't trust
he will treat you good for a month but turns out he only falls for the idea of being loved. not you

alex: ew

by killer_ass February 19, 2023


Gets sucked off by Rhain everyday

Ew a alex

by Epic forntjtensjsj March 1, 2020


A fucking bitch with the smallest dick.

Alex fuck my ohh wait you have a small dick

by Nejsndnsn October 8, 2019


Alex is a very loud and outgoing boy he is probably a very loud and tantalizing friend

He's probably gay

Girl A: have you seen Alex today?
Boy B: yeah.
Girl A: where..?
Boy B:...

by yourhotmilf August 11, 2021