When you work for a shitty 3rd party vendor performing certs, badges, and tokens for FB (didn't they die?) and your paycheck is withheld for at least six weeks, you "Take it to Facebook" by referring to your lack of a paycheck on your Status Update until it gets resolved.
My man works for this shitty 3rd party company which is a vendor of FB and if they don't pay him soon, he's gonna have to Take it to Facebook.
A middle-aged ex-frat boy who never grows up, sounds like he has a <100 IQ, and is desperately clinging to his "good ol days." Could not WAIT for his kids to get to college so he could be heavily involved in their Greek life. Still thinks he has clout, is way funnier than he is, and can still pressure women into doing what he wants. Drinks beers with his meathead buddies (who look just like him) every weekend, completely oblivious to the fact that they are, in fact, middle-aged and not 21 anymore. The odds of him doing this on a boat are higher than most. Dude works out so he can attract his daughter's 20-year-old sorority sisters.
Facebook Joey is telling us how HE can help out with Greek registration.
In reality, we can click a link ourselves.
When you receive multiple friend requests on Facebook of people wanting a “sexual shot” with you.
“I woke up to like 20 Facebook Tequila Shots this morning”.
Ah, I see. So, it appears that you took the deliberate step of meticulously copying the entirety of the text located on the right-hand side. Presumably, this action was carried out with the purpose of conducting a detailed observation of what might transpire as a result, or perhaps to gain a deeper understanding of the specific effects, consequences, or reactions that could be prompted by performing such an action. This thoughtful approach suggests a clear intent to analyze and study the potential outcomes in a comprehensive and methodical manner.
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The idea that the political ignorant have been radicalized to become far-right fascists through social media and meme culture.
Carlos used to be a fanatic futbol fan, The Facebook effect turned him into a fascist who posts about far-right ideals that are destroying the lives of people like him.
When you are awake enough to engage in social media but not yet ready to get out of bed & face the real world (Facebook awake)
Great party last night , feeling it today though . Stayed in bed until noon but was (facebook awake) since 9:00
When you wake up & can use social media but not quite ready to get out of bed .
Ooh , heavy one last night . Didn't get up until noon but was facebook awake from about 8:00