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The stuff my father never came back with

Me:Mum Where's the milk
Mum:we don't have any

by Child without a father April 24, 2022


Abbreviation for mother in law: Mom I'd Like To Kill

Oh look, there comes MILK again. Milk will likely unload a mouthful of unsolicited advice and I told you so's.

by non smoking norseman March 28, 2019


Something ur dad went and got

Hey mom where’s dad?” “ Went to get the milk

by Hi123321hi September 8, 2020


Sum ur dad went and got

Mom where’s dad?” “Went to get the MILK

by Hi123321hi September 8, 2020


A word used as an adjective popularly used by Gen Z to say something is awesome, or amazing. Gen z this simmilar to how previous generations used "sick" to describe something cool.

You got 1 million views? Bro, that's so milk!

That's milk as hell.

Milk dude, see ya later.

by Garther_42 January 14, 2022


100% natural

hmmm milk be great with chiken

by Milk.com AKA CBB May 16, 2022


Something a dad has been looking for for years.

My dad still hasn't come back with the milk for 16 years...

by Not a heather June 21, 2021