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noun. a group of men that gathers around an attractive woman.

Sheila entered the club surrounded by her handsome man-tourage.

by TomAroundTheWorld February 6, 2007

10👍 3👎

Dan The Man

A man who is the Man! His name is Daniel and he likes westerns. The Term "Dan The Man" originates from the mind of Daniel as he dreamt of being in a western film. So Daniel is Dan. And The Man is Dan. It cannot get simpler. Dan is The man. Not Dan The Boy. The Man. If your name is Danielle or Daniela, then that's a different story, you'd be Dan The Wo-Man. (You see) often times, Dan can be both. So if your name is Daniel, and your Girlfriend is Daniela, then you pretty much got yourself slick nicknames. Take it from the elite (@dan_the_man2134 <-- That's one Dan The Man Instagram account)

It was high noon, Mad Man Rowley was about to shoot. But he knew he was no match for Dan The Man

It was high noon, Mad Man Rowley was about to shoot. But he knew he was no match for Dan The Woman

by Dan The Man 2134 May 19, 2017

12👍 3👎

aub man

A nickname often presented to men that have red hair, with arms the size of the atlantic. Oh, and a dick like a python.

Nobody messes with the aub man, he will hit you so hard that you will contract the west nile virus.

Dont cross the path of aub man, blind madness may occur; therefore ending you time on this world.

by - October 6, 2004

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The big man

'' The big man" refers to Sean mac from Melbourne Australia

Man1: u hear about sean
Man2: oh yeah the big man friend zones izzy
Man1: BIG MAN!!!
Man2: LOL

by firbankpussymagnet May 23, 2019

10👍 4👎

man fog

condensation forming on car window due to sweaty/steamy dudes inside

the man fog was so thick, i could barely see where i was driving

when we were coming back from skating, we totally manfogged your dads bmw

by rich mal August 23, 2007

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by YAOMTC August 25, 2009

10👍 3👎

Rain Man

d-de-deffinitely a great movie.

Rain Man stars Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman

by Cliff Dickens June 24, 2004

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