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He leads turtles across the high way to victory, saving them from the mean elephants that could eat them with there butts.

Guy 1: did you see that guy leading those turtles?
Guy 2: he has to be a ryan

by Mike ox large October 10, 2020


The kinda guy who would be a giant taint to everyone around him, he’s the most irrelevant guy ever.

Imagine being a ryan

by Gothicstreetlamp November 16, 2018


Ryan’s are nice, but sometimes think a lot of themselves. They are nice and great to be in a relationship with. They pretend to be confident, but deep down and side they are different. They will talk to you and see how you are. They pretend like their problems are non-existent and are ladies men. Yes, a Ryan might be very sexual at times and are sometimes horny. They tend to develop early and are great friends later in life.

Ryan’s are nice and care for others, but also have another side.

by anonymous mister man November 10, 2020


An anoying person who has no friends. He usually tries to use pickup lines and messes them up.

Ryan is so lonely

by Yo Yo MA Ma November 14, 2018


a pussy ads bich who thinks he can fight but he cant. slang for bitch

hey is that ryan

yeah thats the kid that says that he can beat everybody up

by urmomgay69XxX February 26, 2020


Not as good as Ryan Reynolds but better then Ryan Gosling. Very cool name if you have it you are kind of cool and kind of funny. I also know that if you are reading this then your name is Ryan.

I know Ryan

by OzoneGame June 21, 2022


A hot person. He's so hot that his brother's girlfriend left him for Ryan. He's such a baddy and I wish I was with him.

"Hey wanna slam Ryan?"

"Sure let's do it with his brother's girlfriend"

by March 2, 2023