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To describe something that is boring, messed up, lame or unimportant

Dude this party is so shot.

by Mmtid March 2, 2018


adjective; term used when someone says dumb things or things that don’t make sense

Did you hear what Brodie said earlier? That dude is shot.

by JB4885 August 6, 2024


Thomas marr

Thomas marr is shot

by Riskyfisky February 25, 2018


An abbreviation of the term shit hot which refers to something which is extremely good.

Mate that paella looks shot.

by I'm a nerd November 13, 2017


Used to proclaim intent to drink cheap flavoured alcohol in small measurements (British)

"Midnight is shot O'clock! gather 'round bitches"

by Mallefus June 4, 2018


nyc term of saying ugly

Person 1: Yo bro you want me to put you on with my friend

Person 2 : Nahhhh , she’s shot

by hskappallalallsgivenchy May 14, 2021


NY slang for someone or something that’s ridiculous. Or an abbreviation for “No shot.” Also, used to say exhausted.

“Ayo, let’s go to to Times Square.”
Shot, it’s 3AM

“You’re shot if you think that’s happening”

“The whole plan’s shot”

“I’m shot after working a double-shift”

by Hero_In_Timbs October 6, 2022