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Martian who’s about to Discover Fire

The feeling of a revelation of a lifetime

It took me hours to figure out what was wrong with my engine, but when I did I felt like a martian who’s about to discover fire

by ryangarrett March 12, 2021

Fire Zoe


Fire Zoe is amazing

by November 4, 2022

Potato fire

When your aim with a gun is so bad that you miss most of your shots. Used in video games most of the time.

I potato fired that so hard.

by Project Zed November 29, 2017

garbage fire

A situation that is beyond the pale

Equifax is a complete garbage fire. They are going to get hacked again because their management and executive team is a bunch of idiots

by nativistspeaker September 22, 2022

Garbage Fire

This word is used to describe a horrible person who likes to sneak diss and DS.
This word can also described a tired person or someone who feels horrible.

She is such a garbage fire for talkin shit.
I was up until 12, I feel so garbage fire.

by Rasereo January 15, 2019

Cajun Fire

When you have to poop after eating Popeyes

She wanted a Cleveland steamer but I gave her a Cajun fire

by yellowoman November 11, 2019

Fire hose

when you're pissing with a boner.

bruh, this morning I had a huge Fire hose, my piss got all over the john.
Piss Shit toilet

by soIcanenteranythinghere? October 28, 2015