When a person is killed by his/her Doppledanger.
This scenario is extremely rare but anything can happen in this world.
News reporters have found a very shocking news about yesterday's murder. The victim was killed by his dopple danger, which was very intriguing to the detectives. this miracle is called the DOPPLE DEATH!
When something massive and extremely powerful has one tiny weakness that, if you exploit, the entire thing will go to sh*t
The Alien Invaders from "Independence Day" suffer from Death Star syndrome: if the mothership's cockpit is destroyed, all of the other ships will blow up.
Disclaimer: this example's weakness may not be that tiny, but you get the point
(Richard) "Aye bro when you're gonna stop having sex with all these girls"
(Me) "Until Death Call My Name"
what will happend to you
the death
after you read this you will die in 10 days so
the death always reach us
nomaner waht
Tower of Death is a bar game. Game is played with 2 or more people. Roll a dice. If designated number is rolled that player picks a beer. Repeat except then it's a coaster, short cocktail, coaster, bomb shot, coaster then shot. Now we go down. Who ever rolls designates number drinks the shot, next roll, removes coaster, drinks bomb shot, removes coaster and so on and so forth unroll we get to whomever rolls the beer dice. Now we stop and when ever the player who rolled that number touches the glass everyone except he or she slamming the beer rolls for the same designated number. Whom ever doesn't roll the number before the beer is slammed has to buy the round or if there's a tie the round is split. If the chugger doesn't finish before everyone rolls the designated number, the chugger buys.
Tower of Death is a bar game gauranteed to make memories!
dying of death doesn't mean you are actually dying because there needs to be a reason why your dying.
i am dying of death because thats soo funny