A funny mistaken use of the word gorilla.
It's supposed to be *grilled* cheese sandwich.
But uh yeah...
Person 1: I just made myself a gorilla cheese sandwich!
Person 2: A what?? Don't you mean *grilled*?
Person 1: Yeah whatever, same thing.
A purposeful boneappletea (Bone Apple Tea) of *Grilled* Cheese Sandwich.
Person 1: I'm making myself a gorilla cheese sandwich!
Person 2: A what? Don't you mean *grilled* cheese sandwich?
When two people you are friends with get into an argument with each other, and they both want you to believe their side of the story.
Hey, Dave and Kate broke up. Yeah, they both messaged me about it and I don’t know who to believe. I’m in a bit of an Argument Sandwich right now man.
A pet name used to describe someone you are dating on the side.
I’m going to see Him Sandwich.
Are you texting Him Sandwich?
A threesome (or moresome) between a famous person and multiple fans.
Original usage - Quantum Leap S05E17.
Sam’s rockstar character is ushering multiple groupies out of the room and Al declares “Stop that! You are throwing away a perfectly good fan sandwich!”
Quote to say to starscream (only if youre megatron)
1. When 2 or more people group hug one person (from my experience usually used on one's birthday)
2. Another word for a threesome. You sick fucks.
1. "Happy birthday! Human sandwich!"
2. "Yo, me, Jessica, and Phil had a human sandwich. No homo tho"