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Wet Fart

When you think you're gonna fart, but you end up 'farting' out massive amounts of diarrhea.

Oh Dude! Dave had a MASSIVE wet fart at the party yesterday! It got all over the floor!

by Claustrophobic Teletubbie January 14, 2021

Wet Fart

A fart that was released while showering giving a kind of wet sensation in your butt

You: My butt felt really weird and warm after I farted.
Friend: you must have had a wet fart

by Webslice October 21, 2020

Wet fart

Boring, Dead person, who has no banter

Jastina is a wet fart

by AnonDeci July 17, 2018

cold wet blanket

What you want when you're on Molly.

There's nothing like a cold wet blanket when you're rolling on some Molly

by shibbycoleslawpoe August 20, 2017

wet high five

When 2 men jerk each other off and get cum on each other’s hands, and then high five afterword.

Hey man I’m kinda horny, do you wanna give each other a wet high five?

by Gfhiyh June 23, 2018

Wet high five

after a long day of stroking pecker and rubbing flaps your hands often get pretty greasy, thus giving us the “wet” portion of this masterpiece. the high five comes in in an unexpected way to say the least. after work upon clocking out you head to the bathroom where you let out a hard earned days worth of piss, you groan a little and honestly a little cum trickles on out as well. as you flush you see a hand rise above the divider between urinals, a hand looking lonely, in need of a quickie, you lift yours to match the height of the hand and quickly finish it off. leaving a silky glaze over the poor innocent hand. you have just done a wet high five.

I gave your mother wet high five last night.

I feel no remorse.

by steelo47 February 19, 2024

Wet Wilder

When a girl handcuffs a man to a bed then urinates on his chest.

Guy 1: Did you hear what happend to joe?
Guy 2: No, what happend?
Guy 1: His crazy girl friend handcuffed him to a bed then pissed on his chest.
Guy 2: Aww nasty he got a Wet Wilder.

by Spade of the Nation May 19, 2006