Source Code

Hot Topic

Spencer's, but with more clothes.

I've still never been, but my roommate shops there every chance she gets.

by RatchetBoo October 24, 2003

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hot topic

mass-produced "punk", "goth", and "rockabily" clothing in order to erase individuality from the face of the earth.

person 1: let's go buy these cool bondage pants i saw avril wearing on MTV!
person 2: let's! oh, and let us get daddy's money from his CEO position at a large stock company!
person 1: yes, let's!

by Katie December 23, 2003

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hot assets

Ingredients of a Homemade chocolate pie or Section 751 Assets or Tax Bitches Butts.

Chocolate, Unrealized Recievables, Butts

by Bruce April 5, 2005

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hot as hell

Extrenely nice, sweet

My new shoes are hot as hell.

by Kailtin November 26, 2003

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Saudi Hot

A term used to describe the attractiveness of someone in the The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who would otherwise not necessarily be considered attractive in any other normal place in the world.

Sh2bab 1: Damn, thats girl is fiiiiine!

Sh2bab 2: Her? I guess she's aight...

Sh2bab 1: Come on we're in Riyadh, it doesnt get any better!

Sh2bab 1: Well yeah she's Saudi Hot!

by atomicpeacock April 30, 2010

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Hot Coco

When you squat down and shit in your hand.Then fling the fresh hot shit into the face and chest of the unsuspecting receipient.

If you dont give me that job, I will give you a Hot Coco!

by MrBaggs December 16, 2008

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hot minute

term used to describe a 'shortish' period of time, but not literally 60 seconds.

Woman: C'mon we have to go!
Man: Just give us a/one hot minute to finish this

by WillBill June 29, 2007

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