When you say oh yeah oh yeah yeah it’s because you got exited about something
“I just won a game of cod bruh”
“Oh yeah oh yeah yeah”
“Oh yeah oh yeah yeah”
your parents said this when you were born
"oh no what have i done this makeup isn't good"
A combination of "oh" and "shee" often used while finding out something bad, or seeing something nice
Man, you are in a lot of trouble
- Oh she
Damn look at that ass
-Oh sheee
Oh Skeet Skeet is a “nickname” or reference made by people who have spent time in OCC (Orange County Corrections)the mainstream introduction of OCC being called “Oh Skeet Skeet” is from the lyrics of “Get Low” by lil’ Jon and the East Side Boys
“Oh skeet skeet mofucka
To the window, to the wall
Till the sweat runs down my balls”
tiktok audio or also known as being used by savannah or steph. (aka the bros🤝💯)
“sheeesh stephs been smoking that zaza for a cheeky minute init?”- ava. Sav: “oh ong”
a tik tok audio, or steph or savannah sheesing (the bruvas🤝💯)
“sheeesh stephs been smoking that zaza for a cheeky minute init?”- Savannah. Ava: “oh ong”