This is a sex move where a guy is giving anal, stops, and his partner gives a blow.
That girl was freaky. We went from back door to top floor.
It means to roast a nigga lmao.
Ugly ahh lil boy i'm on yo top jit
The man that patrols the stm parking lot by driving through it multiple times a night, every night
“Yo who’s that guy in the white Hyundai?”
“That’s b-dawg the top patroller”
A way in which you masturbate using the jelly fish hand motion over the top portion of your penis
Hey Jim, my mom walked in while I was tree topping the shit out of my dick last night
The worst type of black person known to man.
Look how low that man’s pants are sagging. Fuckin’ top-hatch nigger.
“Great” im Amy fowler’s secret language: op.
From the big bang theory.
“That sounds great!
No it doesn’t, it sounds gop rop ea top!!”
You’re not being gop rop ea top, unspecified female acquaintance.
When the gooblety gobblety is so tip top, that she looks up at at you from slobin yo knob, and grins like a cretin.
Bro, she has a cute smile.
Nah bro, she was sucking my dick and looked up at me with the most treacherous grin.
I should've known she was a Top Gobblin'.