A silly little guy who will always cheer you up, he is so awesome, and your lucky to have him as a friend
He is a Foolish Boy, who will try to ruin your friendships and make you feel like you are nothing, his heart is made of ice and has no compassion for the people he hurts when he’s getting something he wants, he will manipulate you and then when he’s done with you put you in the trash, especially if they have brown hair and blue eyes
Alex is a douche bag
Beware that Alex thinks he’s cool but he is not!
This person is very strange. She tries to smell nice but she doesn’t. She smells of fish and butt. She tried to steal other people’s boyfriends and it’s annoying. She normally hang out with mohib as they are very alike.
Alex- look at my chin.
Lucy-which one?
Alex Is a very nice girl but she is not best friend material she will tell lies and will get anyone in trouble if it makes her happy she thinks about herself first. She thinks she's popular but actually she ain't she mai seem like a nice person to hang around with but she will turn around and stab u in the back . She'll try and Mack u jelouse and try and make u feel left out but she is the one who is jealous of u and that's why she dose these things .
Alex : OMG!! I can't wait for tonight girl like everyone is coming over mine to have a sleepover YEY !!
Sam: I'm so jealous she gets all these nice things and I get nothing and she never invites me 😢
Alex aka master is the hottest alpha and a freak in the sheets
“Omg I’d deff let Alex dominate me “