In shooter games/FPS, when the bullets you are shooting at another player deal no damage. Usually as a result of bad ping or lag.
"Dammit I could've kept my 10 streak if I didn't have dead hitmarkers!
"Bro I hit him like 10 times and it did no damage! Fucking dead hitmarkers!
Dead-on: extremely accurate, precise; exact, direct;
On the nut: amount of money required for a venture;
Your wedge to the green was Dead-nutzed at the flag.
noun & adjective
The only appropriate way to toast with a group of men, acknowledging your continued existence on this mortal coil.
*drinks received*
Man 1: How's everyone doing?
Group: Still Not Dead!
smoking all deads means smoking on every dead opp basically on all of your dead opps
"bro im smokin all deads nigga"
When you make plans to do something with someone else, but when the time comes you're still asleep.
"Thanks, Karina. I really appreciate it."
"No problem. Now, go to sleep, we leave tomorrow."
You wake up, and head to Karina's room. She's still asleep.
"Karina," you say, shaking her by the shoulder.
"Huh? Wha? Huh?" she says, waking up.
"It's time to go. We're leaving today."
"Finally. I'm fucking dead on my own schedule."
When you put one balls in her pussy with y and when you take them out, they’re numb from lack of circulation.
Things got real freaky last night and I ended up with a dead nut.
You dance till you are dead.
DaNcE DaNce TilL yOu'Re DEaD..
1👍 2👎