Source Code

I’m getting raped

If your in a game and you are getting horribly destroyed

In a game;


(Tell your teammates an exact location cause by the tree isnt a good one or by the house)
And that’s the meaning of I’m getting raped

by Ghostman340 October 15, 2020

7👍 5👎

he raped me

The three words that can ruin a man’s life whether it’s true or not

Me: does nothing.
Some random girl I’ve never heard of: “He Raped Me.

by KanyeEast88 March 13, 2022

6👍 7👎

G5 uber rape

A high level of sexual activity. A strong fucking or high level of intimacy. Also you can just say G5

G5 uber rape! *thrusts pelvis at friend*
Dude just G5 that bitch!

by alex April 3, 2005

25👍 72👎

Mobile Rape Unit

A rusted out old van or motor home used for the purpose of sexual assault. The vehicle will usually have tinted windows or some other means of further protecting it's owner. The fact that the van is mobile makes it much easier for the rapist to do his work. He can go to a place far away or atleast secluded and do his deed then dump the body when finished. Roofie colada's may be used to lure a victim to these vehicles. Beware of dark alleyways @ night as they may be awaiting their pray.

Eric: It was crazy I was down @ spring break in Daytona and these guys had this van with "Spring Break 05" spray painted on the side, right on the beach.
Me: You know what that was?....A Mobile Rape Unit.

by Ashley Willie May 2, 2010

9👍 21👎

5 to 0 Rape

When someone twists their penis around 50 times, than proceeds to insert their twisted penis into someones asshole, letting it spin around and spray "body fluid" inside of said persons' rectum.

Speaker 1: Yo, 5 to 0 rape in that last CTF Halo Reach game.
Speaker 2: Yea man my asshole is still on fire.

by SGTmuffin January 26, 2011

10👍 21👎

Bat Rape

1. Refers to the overpowering of a person by another and the subsequent surprise sex that follows.

Tim told Sally that he would totally bat rape her.

by illegalbear February 3, 2010

1👍 10👎

team rape

a sub-team of the ninja capture the flag team

it consists of five teenagers who surround and rape their enemies

their logo has a ninja who is holding his sword right next to his cock while standing behind a girl bending over

team rape just fucked up those pirates

by scrotum February 9, 2007

1👍 10👎