People who make dumb as Urban Dictionary terms involving Donald Trump so they can feel superior to everyone by having people money shot effection all over their dumb, cunt face.
" Hey man, all these people are trying to make a Urban Dictionary " Funny ". He's not the greatest, but holy shit can they shut the fuck up?"
" Nah man, this is 2020, comedy's dead and we killed it."
Something or someone that can be or do better than they are or are currently doing. A bit of a disappointment.
Human: "Why does Albert dress like a slob? He's got a good sense of fashion"
Human 2: "I don't know - he's a real urban dictionary android logo though"
The most internet addicted, departed from reality, 24 year old Tumblr users, usually fat person. They write semi-sarcastic incredibly safe definitions that include personal opinion
Person 1: wow that person is a little bitch they must be an Urban Dictionary writer
Urban Dictionary writer: *cries*
An urban dictionary neophyte is Someone who has written a definition within the last 5 years. reminds millennials that the younger generation is the manifestation of Idiocracy. I’m just sincerely disappointed in the typos and overly self serious definitions that people give. Back in my day urban dictionary was spot on. But I guess that’s why they call it urban. It’s representative of the Times.
The urban dictionary neophyte tried but failed.
Hey bob, don't use urban dictionary to define things cuz urban dictionary is poo poo
The things I hold in my mind's eye are those that you will never even begin to comprehend. Urban Dictionary, in and of itself, pales in comparison to my might.
I have posted many a definition to this site, but have determined that Urban Dictionary is not ready for my genius.
you know. THAT LAUGH THAT . u made. its like a cackle + chuckle + wheeze. but its like 90 octaves higher than ur normal voice/laugh? yeah that
ryan: exists.
me, a very high octave laugh since urban dictionary is gay and wont let me just say high octave laugh: HSDGHIEHBVHDIJHEVWGQHEIJHVDSHUIWHQVEGDHJKZHEWAHE GDUHsj