Usually a kind loveable person, very charismatic, and family type of guy. An alex tends to have a curved dick and has a hard time keeping a lady around. Other than that he is handsome and treats all women with respect.
Johnny: he opened the door for his lady
Mark: he’s such a gentleman
Johnny: what an alex
Eve: damn girl, this guy had a weird
looking dick
Patricia: what type of dick
Eve: an alex dick
The dumbest person in the history of mankind. All he can do is repeating "No you" over and over again.
Alex is dumb
Nope yeet your self back to Africa
A female and male name. Males Most commonly likes girls named ivana for no reason
His names alex. He MUST like ivana
Jacob says "Alex your a ski boy" Alex replies saying "shut the fu*k up Jacob".
Alex is the most amazing man you will ever know. Your relationship won’t always be easy since he’s not always the smartest, but what he sometimes lacks in brains gets made up with his heart. He’s the type of guy to stay up with you for hours on facetime after a long day just to talk to you, he’s the type of guy to build lego flowers with you every month of your relationship, he’s the type of guy you have to worry about wanting to try WWE moves on you, the type of guy to chase you around the grocery store, the type of guy to carry you across wet grass in order to protect your shoes, and the type of guy who stole my heart. Alex will forever be my first and hopefully last love. If you love an Alex hold on to him. I can’t promise that he’ll be as good as mine, but if names have anything to do with personality you’ve lucked out.
Girl- Who's the hottie with the good butt?
Me- My future husband, Alex.
11/12/24, 2:20 AM