a joke that 12-year-old boys use, and they think they're funny.
'ur mum'
nothing else, just ur mum
Ur Mum is a person that is usually really hot or really fat ( in American jokes ) spelling it in an American way ( Ur MOM ) is unacceptable.
Omg! That persons standards are so high they could date Ur Mum!
What you say when you have nothing to do when you get roasted.
Well, Guess what, UR MUM
the british way of saying the classical UR MOM joke so if u say ur mum GET OUTTA HERE
"Ur mum" is a term used for people who "accidentally" say it on telegram in a group with teachers as of July 7, 2021.
Hamiza: TKRS dengan siapa?
Ikhwan: "Ur mum"