C 2 steals peoples' granola bars, usually creating fake "friendships" to take granola bars from people. Because of this, only become friends with a C 2 if you have a lot of GBs on hand.
C 2: Person 1 gave me so many granola bars this past week.
The Other C 2: Really, how many?
C 2: 17, plus a packet of fruit snacks.
The Other C 2: Whoa
steals granola bars, creates friendships that revolve around granola bars, granola bars.
Person 1: (whispering) I finally found a way to eat a granola bar without C-2 taking it.
C-2: Oh, REALLY?
A C 2 steals granola bars, usually resorting to creating fake friendships in order to get granola bars.
C 2 keeps stealing my granola bars!
A c-2 is someone who creates fake friendships in order to get granola bars.
Person 85642J: C-2 STOLE MY GRANOLA BAR!!!
A c- 2 is someone who really really REALLY loves granola bars (and fruit snacks). This usually ends up being a bad thing as they usually end up creating fake friendships to trick people into giving them granola bars.
Person 29: c- 2 keeps forcing me to give up my granola bars!
Person 1: Yeah, he kind of does that.
Another way of spelling "C2". The infamous granola bar stealer.
(See: C2)
Person 1: C - 2 stole all my granola bars when he came over to my house!